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What Buyers are Looking for in Listings in 2022

Good thing, real estate marketing companies have also evolved into not just providing photographs but also floor plans and even 3D tours. Some even provide a full marketing package that includes an individual listing website for a home and be the one to advertise them on social media. And even more to that, have you heard about drone photography and video walkthroughs? The more exciting the presentation of a home, the more potential buyers it is going to fish from screens all over the internet.

How Many Photos Should You Have for Your Listing?

This is an easy one. To be honest, a Real Estate Listing only needs one photo in order to be listed. But the key thing to keep in mind is the number of minimum images to communicate the key features of the home or of a particular space. Having said that, you can take this as a good rule of thumb: one photo for every small space, two photos if it is a large space, and then three to five exterior shots.

Modern Marketing: Providing an Experience Beyond Listing Photos

You can talk to your photographer about it, they may know a thing or two about virtual tours and marketing what-have-yous. If you’re lost, find a real estate photography powerhouse who has all these services. Like DMD Real Estate Marketing who has been in the business for years and years, enough that it has become Alaska’s best partner when it comes to real estate marketing.