Paying your Open Invoices
We are so excited to announce the ability to pay ALL your open invoices at one time! No more paying each one individually.
From your DMD Real Estate Marketing dashboard you can see the PAY ALL button next to the Properties with a Balance Due section.
You can also access this same page by clicking on the upper menu “Account” tab and then along the left hand side you will see “Pay Invoices”
From here you will be able to select all photoshoots that have been delivered. Please make sure to only select the photoshoots that don’t show in a “Preparing” state.
The total amount due will change as you select more or less invoices to pay. Once complete you simply fill out the credit card details and you are all set!
This is one simple way we are trying to improve our systems and make things easier for you and your admin team.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out!